Playthings of Mad Gods

Random Postapo Survivors


A friend of mine is GMing a modern post-apocalyptic session, so I decided to help him out. These tables assume a modern world, where the collapse happened up to a year ago. Behold!


4d6!(an exclamation mark means in this document that the numbers explode) members. 1/4 of them know how to fight (unless modified by their needs/plenties). Their housing can host 6d6! people.


(sidenote - this system is my friend's idea, shout out to @smok2311)

There are 4 properties that a base has:

  1. Safety (how hard it is to conquer, with 1 meaning that it doesn't even have fences nor locks, 3-4 meaning that it can be barricaded fairly easily, and 10 meaning an actual fortress)
  2. Materials (how much salvage or raw materials can they get, with 1 meaning that they celebrate when they find 3 planks, 3-4 meaning that you have some nearby unexploited salvage and 10 meaning a Walmart combined with a chopshop)
  3. Food (how much food can they secure, with 1 meaning that they eat asphalt washed down with vintegar, 3-4 meaning that they have a nearby forest with prey animals or a similiar unsteady source of food and 10 meaning a plantation)
  4. Comfort (how comfortable and clean is living there, with 1 meaning that they sleep on the ground and die of infections, 3-4 meaning that it is not easy but they can manage, and 10 meaning a luxury penthouse)

Each base has 12 points (to be adjusted by the GM) to be divided among the 4 statistics. The first point is free. The rest may be either chosen, or divided randomly using the following method: roll 2d4 - the first one determines the stat, the second one determines how many points you add. Do this until the sum of the stats is 16 or more. If it would be above 16, lower a stat of your chosing until it is 16.

Needs and Abundances

Each group starts out with 3 needs and 2 Abundances, chosen at random or based on their base. They determine the tools that they have, and what they need to survive. They are:

  1. Food
  2. Water
  3. Soldiers (if abundant, 1/2 of the group knows how to fight. If needed, only 1/8 does).
  4. Knowledge
  5. Scouts
  6. Medicine
  7. Entertainment
  8. Justice
  9. Fortifications
  10. Electricity
  11. Leadership
  12. Control
  13. Calm
  14. Raw Materials
  15. Workshops
  16. Culture
  17. Morale
  18. Transport
  19. Spies
  20. Trade


What the group believes in, and what they treat as their main goals. Roll 2d6 twice, and combine the results:

  1. Revolution

  2. Independence

  3. Community

  4. Equality

  5. Freedom

  6. Survival

  7. Tradition

  8. Patriotism

  9. Faith

  10. Unity

  11. Purity

#Postapo #Table