Playthings of Mad Gods

House of Humans - a trio of sentient creatures for your bestiary!


The following creatures I designed for free use in your own hacks, settings and dungeons. Feel free to use them, just credit me. They are not supposed to be just another blob of HP for your players to mow down - they are made to be puzzling and sometimes terrifing, but also quite materially weak. That being said, none are completely immune to physical damage. Cause that sucks. Each may be exploited by a sly player. Also, a star after HD means that a creature uses Supernatural hit dice.

Introduction pt. 2

The following creatures are all people - what it means is that they may create their own armour, weapons, tools and cultures. While their psychology and physiology may make them different from humans, please remember that each of them is a person who may have their own ideas and may be reasoned with. More interesting members of their cultures may have class levels - apply them as needed(together with the HD). All have families, creativity, hopes and dreams. If your players decide to slaughter them, remind them of how awful their actions are - have them beg for mercy, ask their gods for help and cry for their parents as they bleed out.
That got a bit darker than I intended. Without further ado, here come my creatures!

The Jump-Squid

Fur covered Octopi, they jump across the branches of the Jungle Swamps of Green-Stripes-On-Red. They are capable of great deeds of acrobatics, and their tentacles are suprisingly strong. Furthermore, they are great at camouflage, as they can change the colour of their skin. They usually hide under the canopies of various forests, eating small animals and various fruit they find. They form small tribes that know the secrets of flame (although they mostly avoid it, as it is dangerous in their forests) and simple tool use, and have complex social and conflict-resolution structures. They can not speak, but they communicate with the changing colour of their skin. They are hermaphroditic, which means that each Jump-Squid may be both a father and a mother to their children. They don't have social genders, with the mother and the father rotating the care for their youngsters(as well as the elders caring for young Jump-Squids), while the other searches for food. They have a rich written culture, using their sensitive tentacles to "read" the text carved into tree bark. They have created poetry that uses all eight tentacles in tandem to be read, and their culture often includes thinking about various parts of the world as interlinked - just like their main minds and their tentacle minds are interlinked (each individual tentacle is capable of simple actions on its own). While they practice some rudimentary agriculture to suppliment their diet, they try not to damage the forest. (as a sidenote - the color changing and each tentacle having "a brain of its own" is lifted straight from actual octopi that exist.)
1 HD, AC as unarmored (as plate when they have access to stuff to climb on). They have 8 tentacles - in each round, a pair may be used to:

They are also capable of changing their colours.

The Maggot-folk

Created under a wizard's tower, after he has dumped both normal and magical waste into a large hole. They are mutated maggots, combined with human (and many other kinds) of DNA. Their bodies are oblong and pale, and they lack eyes - in return, they are able to detect magic, which their bodies require for survival. They can also feel vibrations through their skin. They each have a pair of small arms on the upper parts of their bodies that they use for burrowing, but they lack legs. They communicate in a simple language that may be spoken even through layers of the earth - they vibrate their whole bodies to that effect. They mostly spend their lives in search of magical herbs and waste products, and every clan has their own locations and methods of their extraction and usage. They reproduce through division, with children being born from a large enough part of one's body. The children share some of their partent's memories and personality traits, but they also change as they grow. They organize in clans, all hailing descent from a half-mythologized figure like The-Eater-Of-Gore, The-Taster-Of-Grimoires and the such. They sometimes fight between clans, and the clans sometimes fuse against bigger threats. Sometimes the clans split after a schizm. Each Maggot-folk also has an instinctual ability to cast simple spells, that they take from the magic items that they eat and digest. Most of their culture is kept orally and they do not have a writing system, although some tatoo their skin to keep track of their achievements and show clan membership.
1 HD, AC as Leather, d8 damage bite attack. Each may cast a single spell with 1 MD, based on the latest magical item it has eaten (firebolt if it was magical ashes, charm person if it was the remains of a love potion, etc. Just roll up a random low-level spell). Each also has d4 random mutations (from the table of your choosing) and the ability to burrow in the ground with the speed of 1 m/round.


Coming from the Great Plains of the South, they are up to 4 m tall and up to 5 m long. Their skin is grey and hard like stone, and their faces each have a pair of long tusks extending, all the way up to the earth. On their faces are 5 m long trunks, and their strength and dexterity with their use are remarkable. They talk using their mouths as well as their trunks, their signals hearable at the distance of up to 2 km. They use their long ears to radiate the heat away. They form Kingdoms that hold the great plains under their domain - they are mostly herbivores, but many like to suppliment their diet with some meat. While their kingdoms mostly avoid fighting, they craft armor and weapons out of stone, bone and grass, which they know how to weave into simple clothing to protect them from the sun. They also build permanent structures, although they tend to migrate every 5-10 years, as the earth becomes used up. They practice agriculture, planting both short term crops to eat, as well as trees for the time they will return. Their kingdoms hold large territories, with envoys moving between villages to show the will of the Chieftans, and to send the return message from the villages to the Chieftans (who are mostly administrators and have some ceremonial and military functions). Their territories overlap with human kingdoms, which sometimes they war with, while sometimes trading. They have great memories, and may live up to 200 years. Their structures are used both as housing (to hide from the environment), storage (for their tools and food) as well as temples for their many gods. While they have no writing (because they can remember texts perfectly) they have a priest-caste, which memorizes and spreads religious texts, and is also tasked with conflict mediation. Their most well-known gods are:

4 HD, AC as chain, attacks with tusks (d12). May use its trunk to make an extra attack each turn using a weapon, or to grab the enemy. Their gods often provide various small, but visible blessings to those who make great sacrifices.

#Monster #Setting