Playthings of Mad Gods

GLOG Class: Trapper

Syberian Trapper (Northern Hunter by Celezart)

Trappers live on the edge of civilization, catching and/or killing dangerous animals for food and fur. Before the times of artificial clothing, it were the furs that allowed one to go into the Far North. It isn't hard to


double pipe shotgun

Dog's Nose: You are well-versed in the arts of tracking, able to find traces of creatures with incredible precision. When your GM rolls for encounters, increase the probability of encountering an Omen (a sign of presence of random encounters). After seeing an Omen you can learn the general characteristics and prowess(HD) of the creature that left it, and follow it to find it. If you find the creature you followed, you have advantage on your first [templates] attacks against it. If your GM doesn't use Omens, instead you learn the random encounter table of an area after spending an hour there.

Living off the Land: In the wilderness, by spending 1 hour you may find: a shelter from the elements, a source of drinkable water, a single ration, the way to the nearest settlement or some useful stones/sticks that you can use to make simple tools (you may also use the stones as ammunition for your shotgun, or the sticks to start a fire). Your GM may decide that it is harder to find some of these in extreme conditions, in which case they may double(eg. food in winter or shelter in plains) or quadruple (eg. water in desert, food in Veins of the Earth). You know the weather a day in advance through a mix of aching in your bones and knowledge of the winds.

Camouflage Mastery: You learn how to perfectly meld yourself and others into their environments. By spending a turn covering yourself in local muck and shrubbery/junk (works both indoors and outdoors) you can make yourself or a different person functionally invisible, as long as you're not moving. You can do the same to your traps. (This is a sniper)

Strike the Weakness: You know almost everything about the weak spots of the creatures you may encounter, and what you don't know you can intuit. Your GM should tell you the weaknesses of any creature you encounter, as well as countermeasures for their powers. Gain advantage on maneuvers that attempt to use them.

Predictive: You are great at predicting where people will move - you may set up to 4 Ready Traps. Whenever someone moves through a place you were in before, you may decide that you have placed a trap before.

#Class #GLOG