Playthings of Mad Gods

GLOG Class: Occultist

I say to you again, do not call up Any that you can not put down; by the Which I mean, Any that can in Turn call up somewhat against you, whereby your Powerfullest Devices may not be of use. Ask of the Lesser, lest the Greater shall not wish to Answer, and shall command more than you. ~H.P. Lovecraft, The Case of Charles Dexter Ward



Contact Entity: Cast away your doubts. They are just behind the walls - you just have to ask them for help If given 7 hours, a piece of chalk and the sacrifice denoted by the Entity that you wish to contact, you can create a ritual circle that lets you connect your mind to it. You can make deals with it, or ask it for guidance.

Protective Circle: In our line of work, you tend to pick up certain protections as you go. If given 1 turn and a piece of chalk, you can create a protective circle of any size you want (as long as you have enough chalk) by reversing the rituals that allow you to contact the Entities. As long as it is not broken from the inside, no entity alien to our realm (includes undead, demons, angels and other stranger things) can enter it nor cast spells upon those on the inside.

Forbidden Knowledge: There are things that a normal human just can not know, regardless of how hard they try. We are not normal humans anymore. Frequent contact with the unnatural and its secrets has inured your mind to their dangers. You are immune to any dangerous effects that stem from percieving or knowing something (like a basilisk's gaze, or an infohazard). Your ways of thinking are clearly unnatural to other people - just a minute talking with you is enough to tell that something is off.

Summon Entity: Fling the Gates Open! A new Season is Coming and we Will Bask in the GLORY of our LORD! The name of this ability is misleading - you can not actually summon the Entities themselves, just their emanations, as listed. It requires the same rite as contacting them, except the circle is broken as they appear. If an occultist that is not already inured to their powers (has this template) attempts this, they are Taken Away. Those who are Taken Away can not be ressurected nor return in any other way.


Each time your character learns of an entity, roll a d8 and consult the following table. If the character helps the entity get what it wants, it will gladly give its boons or throw their woes upon their enemies. If they misstep while talking to these entities or will break their deals, they will quickly recieve their woes.


It is not just the right of the strong to rule the weak. It is their duty. Thus screams and whispers THE BLACK SUN to all who will open their ears.


Before there were three moons - one was devoured by THE WORLD SERPENT, the second one has sacrificed herself to protect the third. Even so, she sometimes appears on the sky if you know how to look.


KILL! DEVOUR! REPRODUCE! Is the mantra of THE WORLD SERPENT, the ever consuming, ever gnawing and growing beast that claims (or would claim, if it ever said anything) to be the creator of all life.


Scratch scratch scratch - THE RATS are never seen. Only heard. Their "circle" is irregular, and the occultist who calls upon them should never wear the same robe twice while contacting them.


You see it as a hole in the world - as if someone cut through it. Within there is a voice, that desires to do it again. Once you learn how to notice it you never completely stop seeing it.


It is a bag of 30 silver coins - they are never separate, always together. You do not know how it talks to you, or how does it sound so enticing. You know better than to try and take them with you.


It is seen in the absence - of light and darkness, sound and silence, hate and indifference. Nothing grows colder as it doesn't appear. Nothing can't even find the strength to shudder.


It is seen in the colours that you have never seen before - turning into shapes that you have never seen, and yet you recognise. It represents all that not only does not exist, but may not.

#Class #GLOG