Playthings of Mad Gods

GLOG Class: Fireeater

Special Magic

I like magic in my games to be restricted. Because of that, in the setting in which Archipelago takes place, most types of magic are restricted by species. While minor magical tricks, or gifts of Gods may be passed down, the "main paths" of magic (those learned by leveling) are species specific. Here's a link to the species. The Draconid magicians take their natural ability to manipulate heat and flames, and hone it into a power that allows them to create new things out of the conflagration.

Also, here's a song


Inner Flames: Young Fireeaters, those who are not yet able to manipulate the fires that surround them, are unable to affect the surrounding world. Even so, they may still do great things with the flames inside them, and inside other people. During their round (or outside combat) they may cool themselves by 10 degrees (celsius) in order to heal 1 HP as a free action. They may also do the inverse - deal 1 HP of damage to generate 10 degrees of inner heat.

Stoke the passion: They learn another trick from manipulating their inner fires. They also learn the manipulation of other people's fires. By cooling themselves they may cause overpowering flashes of emotions in others. They may not create emotions that are not there, however - they may only strengthen already existing passions or fears. GM's choice on how much heat is required - generally, the target gets a save, and the effect is more obvious at higher heat levels. Causing slight irritation to result in a harangueing will cost ~20 degrees, while causing it to become berserk fury will require ~50 degrees, but the effects depend on the disposition of the target.

Poisoned Flames: When the other draconids learn how to throw their flames out, the Fireeaters learn another trick - they learn how to poison these flames, so that their fumes are acrid and horrible to non-draconids. By spending twice the normal ammount when using Flames on your fingertips you may create Blue Flames. They burn normally, but everyone who is breathing in their fumes must save or spend their round coughing and vomitting. Those who fail their save 3 rounds in a row also take 1d6 poison damage. The effect remains for as long as the item set ablaze remains burning - anything else that is set aflame by it is just covered in normal flames, however.

Stolen Flame: While most adult draconids are able to push the flames out, few are able to suck them in. It is a vital skill for a Fireeater, however, as it allows them to heat themselves up and then to expel the fires again. A Fireeater may extinguish a single flame in their sight in a round, warming themselves up as if they have embraced it.

White Flames: By focusing 120 degrees of their heat in a single point within their sight, a skilled Fireeater may create a white flame. For as long as they remain focused, it remains just that - a marble-sized sphere of light. Once they release it, however, everyone in 30 ft range from it takes 2d6 fire damage, and all flammable items in there are set aflame.

Fiery Adaptation: By pouring their heat into a chosen creature while feeding it with sulphur, a Draconid may adapt it to their fiery existance, making it become a part of the Draconic Ecology (look here for more detail). The combined required amount of heat is 1000 degrees for a plant, 10 000 for a simple animal (anything dumber than a pig) and 100 000 for a complex animal (anything smarter than a pig). As of now, no Fireeater has managed to adapt a member of anyother sapient species to the volcanic ecology, and not for the lack of trying.

Deep Flames Deep under the earth, powerful flames hide. Great skill is required to call them up, with only the greatest Fireeaters being able to do so alone. You are one of them. 1000 degrees are required to create a small spring of lava that will cool down in a turn. 10 000 degrees are required to make it last for an hour. 100 000 are required to make it last for a day. 1 000 000 are required to make it last for a month, and so on. They need not to be added at once - as long as the fissure is warm, they may be added to make it last longer. After adding 10 000 degrees you may also make it into a larger spring. With 100 000 you may make it into a small volcano. With 1 000 000 you may create a volcano that could be the heart of a city. Abuse of this power may lead to great repercussions - raging magma elementals, earthquakes, opening a road into Hell. Tectonic powers are no joke.

Heart of the Conflagration: The final ability a Fireeater gains is the release of all their heat. For each 100 degrees within, they deal 1d6 fire damage to any creature in their sightline (whom they could see if they turned their head towards them). Everything flammable in their sight is also set a flame. Afterwards, they are stunned for 2d10 rounds, and set to 0 degrees.

Designer's note

The Draconid heat functions kind of as a mana, except that it slowly changes to match the surrounding area (generally I treat it as becoming the average of itself and surrounding temperature each turn - i.e. a 200 degree draconid who spends a turn in a 0 degree place becomes a 100 degree draconid. Warm clothing and magic items may help a draconid insulate themselves from the surroundings - warm clothing is also usually flammable). When a draconid would take fire damage, they instead warm up by (damage dice amount times 10). Only when they would go above 1000 degrees they start normally rolling the dice. The asbestos robe is included, so that you may pour flamming oil on yourself and not be naked after a while.

#Class #GLOG