Playthings of Mad Gods

GLOG Class: Bartender

"Pick your poison."


Mixology: You know how to mix up temporary potions, using just alcohols and other drinks. You may spend a turn mixing drinks, in order to create up to [templates] of your known recipes using 1/8 of a bottle of fine alcohol (they cost ~50 GP in most civilized places, although it may fluctuate) and either a different interesting ingredient (GM's fiat, although the exotic fruit you start with should work) or another 1/8 of a different bottle. Any Cocktail created this way is incredibly tasty, and also an easy way to get hammered (for each Cocktail after the first that someone Cocktail during the day increase their fumble range by 1 - the effect is called Tipsiness afterwards, so if you have 4 tipsiness it means you fumble at 1-4). NPCs with access to a barman will probably have higher Morale (especially if currently sloshed). Cocktails lose their power after 2 hours, although they remain tasty and alcoholic.

Friendly Face: Few people will want to harm a barman, and fewer still if the barman offers them a drink. You gain a +2 bonus to your reaction rolls with creatures that drink alcohol, and a second +2 if you make an offer of peace (a drink).

Under the Counter: You may also use potions and drugs as ingredients in your Cocktails, replacing either the alcohol or the other ingredient. You gain both their effects as well as the effects of the Cocktail.

Dionysian Mysteries: You begin to have dreams and visions of eternal revels, where you are chosen to make cocktails for a young man dressed in grape vines. He whispers a secret into your ear, a secret that leaves you hungover the next day. Now, when you say it, intoxication falls upon all who hear it. If you spend a round repeating it, you may make everyone who hears it (including yourself) blitzed (they gain 2 Tipsiness). You can repeat it ad nauseam, although you will lose your consciousness the fifth time. Also, for some strange reasons (Gods love puns) your attacks deal double damage to anyone named Bart.


  1. Fruity Cocktail (Heals 1d6+Tipsiness HP).
  2. Classy Cocktail (All people who see you drink it must save or be fascinated (can't look away) by you until you finish it).
  3. Refreshing Cocktail (Lets you reroll a failed save for 24 turns after drinking, with a bonus equal to your Tipsiness).
  4. Rich Cocktail ().
  5. Cloudy Cocktail (Grants the imbider translucent for 1 turn, with their outline visible while they move. Treat their AC as [Tipsiness] higher in combat).
  6. Light Cocktail (Lets you fly like a bumblebee for [Tipsiness] minutes).
  7. Cold Cocktail (Makes you immune to fire, and able to spew [Tipsiness]+1 globs of ice that deal 1d6 damage and slow the target down. The effects subside after 1 hour).
  8. Hot Cocktail (Makes you immune to coldness, and able to spew [Tipsiness]+1 balls of fire that deal 1d6 damage and set the target ablaze. The effects subside after 1 hour).
  9. Madman's Cocktail (Sends you into a drunken rage, adding a +[Tipsiness] bonus to hit and damage and giving you [Tipsiness]d4 of temporary HP. You must save each round, or attack the nearest target. The effects wear off after 2d4 rounds).
  10. Pan-Galactic Gargleblaster (Severs the soul from the body for [Tipsiness] hours, allowing the imbider to Astrally Project).

Designer's notes

I've wanted to make an "alchemist" class that rewards preparation, especially before dangerous situations. The abilities are a bit all over the place, which I hope will make the bartender quite versatile. Also, I like Daan from Fear and Hunger 2 and how he sets up a bar in the PRHVL Bop and I wanted to give others an opportunity to get tipsy in a dangerous place. No cocktails are specifically named, so that players may create their own fantasy ones! (also, I don't drink alcohol so I know jack shit about it)

#Class #GLOG