Playthings of Mad Gods

GLOG Class: Abnegator

Most folk worship the gods - after all, everyone wants to gain their boons. Almost all have respect for them - after all, everyone wants to avoid their anger. But not you. You are different. You set up a lightning rod out of copper on the roof of the building you are in, then shout "Zeus does not exist!". Your power comes from the perversion of punishments that gods throw upon you for your blasphemy. I worry, though, what they'll do with you upon your death.


Blasphemous Spellcasting: There is great power to divine curses and you have learned to harness it. You start play with the spell Overcome Curse and you roll a d6 for abnegator spells each time you level(choosing one adjacent to it if you roll up one that you already have). Furthermore, each time you overcome a divine curse, earn a spell that represents your newly gained power. Each time you roll doubles, you take d6 damage (if triples 2d6, etc), as you lose the control over divine energies for a moment.

Cast down False Prophets: As you further fight against the divine, though, you learn that your unholy power has another use - it can be used to cancel out the holy. You can, in reaction to a divine spellcaster(except Gods) casting a spell roll any amount of your own magic dice - they are subtracted from their sum - if it is 0 or less, their spell completely fails.

Abandon Restraints: Those who intend on stopping you from breaking laws, or punish you for breaking them have to roll a save - if they fail, they hesitate for a round, as they are blasted by chaotic energies.

Cast down False Gods: You can use your ability from Cast down False Prophets on gods. Those who see you countering the power of their gods have to immediately save, or lose their faith in that God's divine nature (instead seeing them as what they are - an imposter).

Spell List

  1. Overcome Curse

R: touch T: a willing creature, includes self D: instantaneous

  1. Enrage Believer

R: Your Voice T: Any person who worships a god out of reverence, not fear. D: [sum rounds]

  1. Break the chains of fear

R: Touch T: A person who fears a god D: [sum] minutes

  1. Unholy Smite

R: Touch T: A weapon D: [sum] rounds

  1. Condemn false prophets.

R: Sight T: Divine spellcaster D: instantaneous

  1. Forbidden Ground

R: A chalk circle T: The insides of the Chalk Circle D: Until the circle is broken

  1. A curse for you too

R: The same plane T: A creature you have a piece of blood/hair/nails of D: [sum] days

Example Divine Punishments And Spells Gained from Them

#Class #GLOG