Playthings of Mad Gods

An Unnamed FKR Mini-system

I've been using this one for a while, before realizing that I never really published it. Enjoy:

Basic Rolls

Whenever you do an action that is not sure (or almost sure) to succeed or fail, roll d6. The GM will inform you of the consequences of success or failure, but additional consequences remain hidden:

  1. Failure, and an additional consequence
  2. Failure
  3. Failure, but with a silver lining
  4. Success at a cost
  5. Success
  6. Success with additional benefits


Every character starts with 3 positive and 1 negative traits. Whenever a trait would help you in a roll, roll 2d6 and keep the higher result. Whenever a trait would hinder you in a roll, roll 2d6 and take the lower result.

As a result of actions within the fiction, you may receive temporary traits - they may be both positive (i.e. Invigorated) or negative (I.e. Broken Leg). They disappear whenever it makes sense in fiction.
