Playthings of Mad Gods

5 Monsters arising in modern urban conditions

Inspired by this wonderful post

An exclamation mark after the number of HD means that a creature has Supernatural HD

Also, CW: Homelessness, dehumanization, sensory overload, pollution, violence, and other ills from city life.


Squatter (3 HD, AC as Light Vest(Leather), Damage as Sword (reinforcing bar). Can move through walls and hide inside them).

Housing prices are rising every day, forcing people into poverty and destroying their minds, bodies, and souls. Out of these sacrifices on the altar of Profit and out of their pain, a power gathers, forming inside the walls of what's supposed to be their homes. Each raise in rent, each "revitalization", each time a person has to choose between medicine, food and rent, the poison gathers. This is what happens once it takes form.

The Squatter's body is a mixture of plaster, concrete and reinforcing bars, moving through the walls, basements and attics like a fish through water. It hides there, animated by craving - a craving for food and a craving for a better hiding spot. It is most dangerous in large houses (it likes excessive McMansions the most) and in apartment blocks (where it is most often born, under abusive owners), where it may constantly shift its location, stealing food from those who need it, and if they can not provide attacking them itself.

Crowd's Member

Crowd's Member (1 HP(destroyed when hit), AC as unarmored, Damage as Used Weapon. Never found alone, may hide perfectly among crowds).

The main difference between a city and a village is that you do not recognise all the faces you see daily. There are people around you who are Alien, and yet it is nothing strange. It isn't a surprise then, that Dark Powers put some of their own, the weakest, among the faceless masses of the city.

You can not recognize a Crowd's Member unless they are completely alone. They are non-descript, wearing Normal clothing and having a Normal face. Only when taken completely away from other people, they reveal their true looks. They are completely grey, silhouettes instead of people. A single strike is enough to banish one, leaving just a grey blob.


Smokey (1! HD, AC as Leather, Damage as Pistol (shortbow). Takes the form of half-solid smoke, can fly).

Burning trash, especiall if you dig it out of the earth, was never a clean process. Black clouds gather over our great cities, billowing out of the chimneys and the oil refineries. Birds fly within them, then their bodies fall. The birds fly still, even after their bodies fall, hunting within the smog.

The Smokebirds look like seagulls that were drowned in tar, then vaporised. Their song is like the humming of powerful engines, their stench is the same. They search for anything flammable, with flesh being a special sort of fuel. Smokebirds mostly eat pets and children, unless they find a weakened adult.


Screech (3! HD, AC as light vest (leather), Damage as Rifle (heavy crossbow, non-lethal) from its screeching(hearing protection halves damage, you still have lungs), as dagger from its knife-talons)

The sounds of a city are overwhelming and unbearable. Constant rumbling of construction and demolition, screams arising from thousands of human whispers, and the shouting of gas-guzzling vehicles. They breach the harmony and the silence, leaving the old spirits of air unable to normally function. They fall, breaking into the physical world with their fall. They only want silence.

Screeches look like a broken fairy, which has reconstituted itself with pieces of scrap, broken glass and anything else which makes an awful sound. And yet they are completely silent, until they strike. Their screeching leaves you writhing, removing the world in exception for itself as you feel it. As you writhe, it will silence you for the final time with its talons.

The Final Monster

The Final Monster (5! HD, AC as , Damage as , )

             eats information (one fact per round)